Fostering Education Scholarship Fund
The Cobb Community Foundation has a Fostering Education Scholarship Fund which was established by Village Connection, a former nonprofit serving children in foster care, and Innovative Fitness for the purpose of providing scholarships to students who have aged out of the Georgia Department of Family & Children Services System (“Foster Care”).
Horatio Alger Association Scholarship
The Horatio Alger National Scholarship Program provides up to $22,000 in scholarship funds to students who demonstrate critical financial need and who have, “faced and overcome great obstacles in their young lives.” Students from all 50 states are eligible, and winners also receive an all-expense paid trip to Washington D.C. to attend the National Scholars Conference. Both nation wide and state scholarships are available.
Rezvan Foundation for Excellence
The mission of The Rezvan Foundation is to support the academic pursuits of exceptionally talented young students who have spent time in foster care. The Foundation provides ongoing mentorship and scholarship funding for full tuition up to $100,000 over the course of four years for each Awardee.
SchoolHouse Connection Youth Leadership & Scholarship Program
This program specifically works to serve youth that have experienced homelessness. The goal of our program is to provide financial assistance along with staff and peer support to ensure that you are successful in getting to and through higher education and into the workforce.
The nsoro Educational Foundation
Foster hope through education. nsoro provides direct academic scholarships, executive-level coaching, mentorship, and workforce readiness programs for youth aging out of foster care nationwide. All youth currently in foster care, aged-out, and emancipated youth are encouraged to apply.
Wellroot Family Services Scholarship ProgramWell
The program supports youth who have experienced foster care, homelessness, and other significant challenges, and it recognizes students for their community service, academic performance, and demonstrated leadership in school. Awards ranging from $1,000 to $4,000 will be granted for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Winnie Levinson Scholarship
The Winnie Levinson Scholarship is awarded to deserving students who are Georgia residents and are in foster care. Caregivers must be a member of the Adoptive and Foster Parent Association of Georgia (AFPAG). The Winnie Levinson Scholarship is sent directly to the student to use for any educational purpose the student may need. It is payable in two payments, one at the start of the fall semester and one at the start of the spring semester. Proof of enrollment is needed before payment can be issued.